Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stream from Character

Death Death Death ... i dont want to die. This is crazy. My friend died. Sad face :(.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Civil War Essay Journal

I will be making a character that is in the Battle of Gettysburg. He is going to struggle to stay alive in the battle.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I think that in pro sports a lot of the player motivation is money, because when you are making that much its hard not to be thinking of the money. I also think that some of the players actually want to win and play because they love the game. The players that love the gme tend to be better than most because they probably work harder at it. I think most of the younger pros are in it to win it becsue they really dont have a realization on how much money they are actually going to make. After a while sme may turn int players that play for the money but its always good to see the player that donates to charities but still has a great time playing out there on that court or field.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Right to Fight?

I believe that there are times when fighting is needed to get what s right. Something worth fighting for is not a pokemon card or something worthless like that but something more along the lines of freedom. You can fight for something without getting violent but it depends on what you are fighting for. I dont think i need to fight for anything right now.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Free Will

Not everyone in the world has free will. Although slavery is illeagal in the U.S that does not mean that it is all over the world too. In som countries slavery is still allowed and those slaves do not have any rights and have to do what their "master" says, or else. But on the other hand they still can choose to do things and not to do things. Its not like people can literally control other people to make them do things. So in a way not everyone really has the right to choose and do what they want, but everyone has the capabilities. I got this opinion from learning about other countries in socialstudies and about slavery.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Humans are all made differently therefor could not all be made equal. If every human was equal and the same then life would be boringbecause you would be exactly like everyone else.